Bonus Points +2

For 2 bonus points post (click on leave a comment) an answer to the following questions.  Don’t forget to leave you name.  You can answer in a paragraph if you like.
  1. What are your interests, talents and hobbies?
  2. What are you like as a member of a team?
  3. In what ways are you excited about working in a team?  In what ways are you nervous
  4. How do you feel about taking algebra?
  5. What experiences in math have you liked?

8 Responses to “Bonus Points +2”

  1. Mr. Moren Says:

    I enjoy soccer, snowboarding, ultimate frisbee and bike riding. I love to work as a team, but sometime I am worried I may not actively listen to my teammates. When I work on a team I like to be creative and involve everyone.

    I am excited and nervous about teaching algebra. I get nervous that students will fall behind and I will not be able to catch them up and they will hate coming to class. I enjoy making graphs and using computers to do math.

  2. Morgan A. Says:

    I LOVE to draw. Art is my favorite thing to do. I also like playing my video games, watching TV, and surfing the internet.

    I don’t really know what I’m like in a team. I’m just the weirdo with the rainbow shoes, I guess.

    I’m not that excited about teams, actually. I’m more of an independent worker. I’m nervous that I’ll go way farther than everyone else and finish the paper and everyone at the table will just copy it. I hate to wait for slower people when I know I can just get it done by myself. But, I also like to help out others when they don’t understand, so that they don’t get stuck on something and get all worried and their brain falls out, because I hate being in that position myself.

    I like the fact that I’m taking algebra because then I won’t have to take the same class over again in high school, and it gives me somewhat of a challenge and it isn’t too easy for me to just breeze through.

    Well, Mr. Sky was a really fun math teacher last year. If we got all our homework in for the month he would give us prizes and he’d pull names out of the raffle box each Friday for prizes. At the end of the year there was this HUGE prize thing and I got a Fall out boy calendar (YAY!).

    I don’t really know what else to say. I like pizza?
    (and if you want me to draw you something you can just ask. I’ll gladly take requests)

  3. Melisa H. Says:

    i am easygoing but can get bored easily! i have respect for all teachers! (even Mr.Moren) who i just met! i enjoy to laugh, have fun and math! algebra makes me think and i love that! i love people who can make me laugh! (mostly everyone) i am shy and don’t like to talk in big crowds! (most of the time)and love to have lots of friends!

  4. Michael F. Says:

    my interest ,talent,and hobbie is basketball i play at the less 3 hours a day of basketball. As a member of a team i am usualy the leader of the team. im happy about working in a team because it gives me more then one view on things , i am not very nervous about any team work cause know everyone in my team very well. I feel very excited and happy that i get the chance to finish math in 3 years at high school if i pass. Well so far i liked doing the rollercoaster project

  5. Melisa H. Says:

    well of coures you like algebra mike! you hardly help. jk lol! just kidding or am i?

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